TEFL & TESOL Certification in Pakistan

TEFL & TESOL Certification in Pakistan


In countries where English is not the main language and is not a lingua franca, TEFL refers to Teaching English as a Foreign Language: services. TESOL, which stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, is a general name for the teaching field which includes TEFL.

  • TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

EMAS TEFL Trainer in Pakistan

TEFL programmes are designed for teachers who wish to teach students in a country where the main language is not English. Students in those countries learn English as a foreign language, and as an academic subject. The basic emphasis is on helping students to understand grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening comprehension, and academic speaking. Students may practice short speeches or perform skits, but in general, the aim of speaking exercises is to concentrate on using grammar and pronunciation correctly.

For students who study English as a foreign language, academic language is important, because students are required to be able to read texts, write essays and pass English exams for university placement. These acquired skills help them prepare for the TOEFL or the IELTS, also a form of standardized exam that foreign students take before they enroll in a university where the medium of instruction is English.


TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language

EMAS TESOL Trainer in Pakistan

For teachers who wish to work with non-native English speakers living in a country where English is the medium of communication, training in TESOL methodology is highly recommended. Teachers help students to use English as a language for their daily interaction. It covers vast daily life scenarios including shopping, buying food at a restaurant, applying for a job, making casual contact with colleagues and other routine types.





Register for TEFL or TESOL at EMAS: Executive Mentoring & Advisory Solution

EMAS is an online learning platform that lets everyone stand out! Get a certificate as a powerful proof of your new skills from a world-class institution and use it to uplift yourself as a respected professional. Learning distances and the online courses allow you to learn wherever you are, organizing your work or family life studies around.

You learn using materials from the analysis and online learning tools built for active learning. You can also use your Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to communicate with other learners around the world.

EMAS is a partner organization with Notting Hill College College and Training Institute, Manchester, UK. In addition to teacher training qualifications, they offer English and ESOL certifications. The international certificate programmes offered by EMAS are accredited by AISC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges) and BAC (British Accreditation Council), which are clear marks of quality in education and are maintained by the UK government to strict standards.

In addition to improving English language skills, learners are prepared to be known as pro-active professionals and EMAS provides TESOL and TEFL certifications in Pakistan through their UK partner institution.

EMAS right choice for your career development!

  1. Learn anywhere: Programmes are completely online, so you can learn from anywhere.
  2. Study at your own speed: you will have the versatility to adapt your studies on a part-time or full-time basis with your schedule and job commitments.
  3. Value for money: Lower than on-campus services for distance learning programmes. EMAS offers special discounted rates for nationals of Pakistan.